Friday, July 8, 2016

Cincinnati - Castles, Knights and Presidents

Last weekend we planned a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio. Holiday weekends are great because we have more time to spend traveling together, and most of the kids' activities are cancelled.  On the other hand, that is generally true for everyone, and we hate crowds.  So, we decided to go to places that are less likely to be overwhelmingly crowded - a real castle and a presidential home. 

We started the day at Chateau Laroche, also known as the Loveland Castle, outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. The castle was built and lived in by Harry Andrews between 1927 and 1981. Harry is a fascinating man. A conscientious objector because he objected to modern methods of warfare where you don't see your enemy, Harry was drafted into the army during WWI and served as a medic. His  escape from death from spinal meningitis is legendary (and well described on the tour).  After the war, he stayed in Europe to tour castles.  When he came back to Ohio, he started a boy scout troop which became the Knights of the Golden Trail.  Overtime, the knights built the castle which they still guard (and serve as tour guides for) today. 


The castle is on the banks of the Little Miami River, providing a lovely view for picnicking and relaxing.  It was hand built by Sir Harry and his knights and boasts beautiful gardens, a dungeon, an office, a kitchen, a bedroom and a dining area in addition to the large chapel.  There are suits of armor and historic swords and coats of arms to explore.  In addition, built into the bricks are stones, geodes, fossils or artifacts from all 50 states, many countries and outer space (there is a piece of asteroid).

We really enjoyed our visit to Chateau Laroche and spent about an hour exploring the castle and grounds before eating our picnic lunch at the tables near the river. The "knights" guarding the castle were very knowledgeable on building techniques, castle design, the history of the castle, and Sir Harry himself.  An inexpensive and fascinating place to visit! One note: the castle has many winding and uneven stairs, so it is difficult for anyone who might struggle with that (people with disabilities, strollers, etc).

After lunch, we decided to visit the William Howard Taft National Historic site. Aside from Brother who has been watching documentaries about the presidents, we didn't know much about Taft.  Through the movie in the visitors' center, the exhibits on the 2nd floor of the home and the park ranger, we certainly knew a lot more when we left!  President Taft and his family were fascinating people, promoters of racial equality, free trade and a limited role for money in politics. Although not a very successful president, William Taft was an excellent governor of the Philippians, helping prepare them for local control, and an excellent judge.  As Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, he worked to establish the court and appeals system that we have today.  He is highly regarded for the contributions he made in his various roles. 

We spent about an hour and a half touring the building, looking at the displays and watching the movie.  What an educational visit for all of us!

We were fortunate to have arrived just in time for their ice cream social, with a live Patriotic band and free ice cream. We really enjoyed our 4th of July weekend trip to the William Howard Taft house. 


Chateau Laroche
Opening Hours: April-September 11-5 daily, October-March 11-5 weekends only
Fees: $5 adults, $3 children 12 and under
Special Events: The 3rd Saturday of every month April-August is "Castle Days" with Medieval music, crafts, and activities, admission on these days is $8/person
12025 Shore Dr.
Loveland Ohio

William Howard Taft National Historic Site
Opening Hours: 8-4 daily, closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day
2038 Auburn Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45219

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